The Lady Pirates will play their first game of the season against West Rusk in New London tonight at 5:30! #GoPirates #PirateNationTX
The Address to the West Rusk High School Gymnasium is:
10705 S Main, New London, TX 75982

This is a reminder that all Veteran's Day forms need to be returned to Mrs. Adams or Mrs. DeRise in the front office by Monday, November 8, 2021.

A big congratulations to Jhon Sequeda! Jhon placed 49th out of 147 participants at the State UIL Cross Country Meet. It has been a great Cross Country season for these two Seniors and we are sad to see it come to an end. #GoPirates #PirateNationTX

This year, Martinsville ISD would like to extend an invitation to all veterans in our community. We will be hosting our Veteran’s Day program virtually for all to see, but would like to invite any veterans who are family members of students or faculty of MISD to join us for breakfast at 7:30am, followed by the program at 8am. Please complete the form at the following link: https://5il.co/11d1r and return to either Mrs. DeRise in the front office or to Mrs. Adams.

Please see the attached image regarding a positive COVID case on campus October 29, 2021. The full letter is posted here: https://5il.co/11b6t #PirateNationTX

Meet the Pirates will be November the 2nd at 6:30 pm!

It’s that time of year again! Here is our 2021-2022 High School Basketball Schedule. Please come out and support our Pirates!
Note: Any changes in game location, time, or date will be posted via Facebook and Martinsville News Feed.
We are looking forward to a great season!
#GoPirates #PirateNationTX

A number of Martinsville students participated in the art competition at the Pineywoods Fair. The competitors are pictured in the order listed below:
Cassie Tieman (8th) received a participation award for her painting
Zyla Bowman (6th) won a 1st place blue ribbon for her painting.
Abigail Moss (6th) won two 2nd place red ribbons for her photographs.
Allyson Castelan (6th) received a participation award for her painting.
We are proud of those that participated in the art competition!

Congratulations to Jhon Sequeda! Jhon placed 4th as an individual out of 166 participants and qualified for the State Cross Country Meet in Round Rock, Tx on November 6th! Jhon’s rankings today were the highest in Martinsville History while competing in 2A. We are so proud! #StateBound #PirateNationTX

All students will participate in the Martinsville Fall Festival this year on Friday, Oct. 29th. Details are in the attached photo and here: https://5il.co/10y62

Wishing our Pirates GOOD LUCK today as they travel to Huntsville for the Regional Cross Country Meet!
#GoPirates #PirateNationTX

Get ready for Red Ribbon Week this week, October 25th-29th!
Thank you to our Martinsville Student Council for planning a week full of fun!

Attention Parents, the Gifted and Talented Nomination period is now open. Please see the attached documents for more information. #PirateNationTX

The Junior High Pirates play tomorrow at 8:00 am and the Lady Pirates play at 2:30 pm. Both games will be held at Wells ISD.
Junior High Boys need to arrive at the Martinsville gym at 6:30 and the Junior High girls need to arrive at 12.
These games will complete our Junior High Basketball Season.
GoPirates! #PirateNationTX

Martinsville Cross Country competed at our District meet yesterday.
The Varsity Boys placed 2nd as a team and advanced to Regionals.
John Sequeda was our District Champion as an individual and Micheal Adams placed 7th as an individual.
The Junior High boys placed 1st as a team and the Junior High girls placed 3rd as a team.
Way to go Pirates!
The regional meet for the Varsity Boys will take place October 25th!

The High School and Junior High District Cross Country meet will take place on October 11th. Attached is the approximate start times for each race and below is the written directions provided by the host school.
Good luck tomorrow, Pirates! #PirateNationTX

Attention Pirate Athletics Parents and Fans: If you have the Martinsville ISD app, access your settings under the menu tab and allow push notifications for Athletics. This will allow you to subscribe and be notified in games times, game changes, and any news concerning Pirate Athletics! #PirateNationTX

This is a reminder that all Junior High basketball athletes need to arrive at the gym at 3:30 tomorrow for our Home game vs. Big Sandy. Junior High girls play at 5 and the Junior High Boys game will follow.

This is a reminder that Martinsville ISD will be closed next week, October 4-8 for our Fall Break. Enjoy the time off Pirates!

The date of the JH Cross Country meet has been changed from Oct.7th to Oct.11th. #PirateNationTX